I was in the mall today (12-13-08) with a friend of mine and we went to a few stores. Well while we were in the last store I kind of sat to the side, to allow her shopping room, and to give me an opportunity to observe the people coming into the store-something I like to do from time to time.
As I observed people coming in and out I noticed people with nice clothes, bad clothes and mediocre clothes. I noticed people with "saks fifth avenue" bags, "gucci" bags, "louis vouton" bags, and "ralph lauren" bags. At that time I was reminded of the type of cars I noticed when we drove up. I noticed the benz, bmw, Bentley, and some other expensive foreign cars.
Well as I was sitting there I began to grow an appetite-if you will-to shop. Now you may ask yourself is that possible and my answer is YES! And I'll prove it. As I was looking at all the "high end" people with "high end" stuff I began to crave "high end" stuff as well. I began to desire a new pair of shoes, a new pair of slacks, etc. But reality set in when I thought about how much I had to spend in relation to how much the item I lusted over cost.
So in other words I couldn't afford it. At that moment I got a startling revelation that sparked my interest to write this blog.
As I was sitting there observing the holy spirit challenged me to analyze what I saw. I then began to ask myself, "do I want those "things" because I really need/want them or because external forces say I should buy them?" I was honest with myself and said, "I only want them to look good or show people that I have the money to wear things only "high end" people can afford to wear."
Sounds bad huh? Well If you'll be honest with yourself you too think/feel the same way. Now you may say, "no I don't, I buy things because they make me feel good" or "I really wanted one of those for a very long time." I beg to differ with you my friend-you buy because you're told to buy.
As we were driving home we engaed in a dialogue and began to analyze and even scrutinize why some people buy what they buy, and shop where they shop.
The gist of that converstion-and further cause to write this blog-was, "society packages what they feel average joes or consumers should buy or be attracted to. So they make it seem as if that mercedes benz is the top of the line car because this athlete, actress, singer, or preacher drives it. They put in your head that you should go get one-however you can-so that you can relate/participate in the same status/realm as the people aforementioned. We then as a people go and spend, spend, spend, and spend until we're spending money we no longer have just to keep up with what "society" says we should have. Kind of like keeping up with the Jones'. It doesn't sink in yet? Think about holidays how people just go crazy only to go in debt to buy someone a gift. I personally believe that it is bad and almost a sin when we allow external forces to persuade us to buy things we really don't need. To prove it the bible says, "its not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out." Can I make this work for me? Thanks! Its okay to be attacked by external forces because the attacks don't "defile" me but its bad when I began to act on what's on the inside of me. You get it? So when I go buy those $100 dollar shoes when I have 3 pair at home that are similar, I have to ask myself "did I buy them because they will genuinely make me happy or was there an external force driving me to buy them?" Now many of you won't admit to an external force because you've been sub consciously brain washed to believe that you buy or shop because you REALLY like it. Wrong! Now don't get me wrong I don't oppose those who desire the "nice things" if you're not driven by an external force but I am against those who are. I mean let's be real what aren't we driven to buy by external forces? -no I did not contradict myself its still in context. Lol"
So as a consequence of these forces I must wake up and I ask myself the question "do I need this?" And this goes for EVERYTHING. And this is a must because the forces are so prevalent they're affecting everything and everyone such as: women (e.g. Breast augmentation, botox, etc.). They affect relationships (e.g. People enjoy the idea of liking someone and not actually the person due to comercialized relationships. They make it seem as if its okay to "sex" everybody "in the city" and have no strings attached. When in reality a real relationship takes work). Last, they affect the church (e.g. Preachers preach sermons that make you feel good or comfortable versus a sermon that challenges the way you live and how you handle your finances. And they preach series on how to obtain materials. They're basically saying, "get as many materials as you can get-God doesn't mind. He wants you to have them") which is totally contradictory to what I believe.
I believe we should be using our resources to touch,change, and enhance the lives of those who need it. Not horde up stuff. The bible says, "if you give unto the least of them, you have given unto me." And we can't give because we're so busy trying to GET. Okay let me ask, "when was the last time you gave to God?" I'm talking about outside of your $2 dollar offering-but you bought a $50 dollar purse, or your $20 dollar tithes-but you bought a $75 dollar ticket to go see John Legend? Huh when was the last time you donated your "good" clothes to those who didn't have any or to a mission trip in Africa? Yep I'm coming down your street with this one.
"Children of God" wake up! We're falling into the trap of the enemy everyday. The enemy is not worried about us affecting change in the world because he knows he has occupied like that porta potty-you'll get it on your way home.
Chew on this: do you still want a piece...?