Sunday, December 14, 2008
Do you want a piece...?
I was in the mall today (12-13-08) with a friend of mine and we went to a few stores. Well while we were in the last store I kind of sat to the side, to allow her shopping room, and to give me an opportunity to observe the people coming into the store-something I like to do from time to time.
As I observed people coming in and out I noticed people with nice clothes, bad clothes and mediocre clothes. I noticed people with "saks fifth avenue" bags, "gucci" bags, "louis vouton" bags, and "ralph lauren" bags. At that time I was reminded of the type of cars I noticed when we drove up. I noticed the benz, bmw, Bentley, and some other expensive foreign cars.
Well as I was sitting there I began to grow an appetite-if you will-to shop. Now you may ask yourself is that possible and my answer is YES! And I'll prove it. As I was looking at all the "high end" people with "high end" stuff I began to crave "high end" stuff as well. I began to desire a new pair of shoes, a new pair of slacks, etc. But reality set in when I thought about how much I had to spend in relation to how much the item I lusted over cost.
So in other words I couldn't afford it. At that moment I got a startling revelation that sparked my interest to write this blog.
As I was sitting there observing the holy spirit challenged me to analyze what I saw. I then began to ask myself, "do I want those "things" because I really need/want them or because external forces say I should buy them?" I was honest with myself and said, "I only want them to look good or show people that I have the money to wear things only "high end" people can afford to wear."
Sounds bad huh? Well If you'll be honest with yourself you too think/feel the same way. Now you may say, "no I don't, I buy things because they make me feel good" or "I really wanted one of those for a very long time." I beg to differ with you my friend-you buy because you're told to buy.
As we were driving home we engaed in a dialogue and began to analyze and even scrutinize why some people buy what they buy, and shop where they shop.
The gist of that converstion-and further cause to write this blog-was, "society packages what they feel average joes or consumers should buy or be attracted to. So they make it seem as if that mercedes benz is the top of the line car because this athlete, actress, singer, or preacher drives it. They put in your head that you should go get one-however you can-so that you can relate/participate in the same status/realm as the people aforementioned. We then as a people go and spend, spend, spend, and spend until we're spending money we no longer have just to keep up with what "society" says we should have. Kind of like keeping up with the Jones'. It doesn't sink in yet? Think about holidays how people just go crazy only to go in debt to buy someone a gift. I personally believe that it is bad and almost a sin when we allow external forces to persuade us to buy things we really don't need. To prove it the bible says, "its not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out." Can I make this work for me? Thanks! Its okay to be attacked by external forces because the attacks don't "defile" me but its bad when I began to act on what's on the inside of me. You get it? So when I go buy those $100 dollar shoes when I have 3 pair at home that are similar, I have to ask myself "did I buy them because they will genuinely make me happy or was there an external force driving me to buy them?" Now many of you won't admit to an external force because you've been sub consciously brain washed to believe that you buy or shop because you REALLY like it. Wrong! Now don't get me wrong I don't oppose those who desire the "nice things" if you're not driven by an external force but I am against those who are. I mean let's be real what aren't we driven to buy by external forces? -no I did not contradict myself its still in context. Lol"
So as a consequence of these forces I must wake up and I ask myself the question "do I need this?" And this goes for EVERYTHING. And this is a must because the forces are so prevalent they're affecting everything and everyone such as: women (e.g. Breast augmentation, botox, etc.). They affect relationships (e.g. People enjoy the idea of liking someone and not actually the person due to comercialized relationships. They make it seem as if its okay to "sex" everybody "in the city" and have no strings attached. When in reality a real relationship takes work). Last, they affect the church (e.g. Preachers preach sermons that make you feel good or comfortable versus a sermon that challenges the way you live and how you handle your finances. And they preach series on how to obtain materials. They're basically saying, "get as many materials as you can get-God doesn't mind. He wants you to have them") which is totally contradictory to what I believe.
I believe we should be using our resources to touch,change, and enhance the lives of those who need it. Not horde up stuff. The bible says, "if you give unto the least of them, you have given unto me." And we can't give because we're so busy trying to GET. Okay let me ask, "when was the last time you gave to God?" I'm talking about outside of your $2 dollar offering-but you bought a $50 dollar purse, or your $20 dollar tithes-but you bought a $75 dollar ticket to go see John Legend? Huh when was the last time you donated your "good" clothes to those who didn't have any or to a mission trip in Africa? Yep I'm coming down your street with this one.
"Children of God" wake up! We're falling into the trap of the enemy everyday. The enemy is not worried about us affecting change in the world because he knows he has occupied like that porta potty-you'll get it on your way home.
Chew on this: do you still want a piece...?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Strongholds...prt. 1
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Flesh vs. Spirit
Hey apologies will not suffice for the way I’ve treated you (the faithful members of this blog) but again I’m sorry. In the interest of time I will jump right in.
The other morning I was doing my daily devotion and this revelation hit me. To some it may seem elementary; however, I truly believe if you allow the Holy Spirit to read this with you, you will see something you haven’t before.
Revelation: we must continue in the word so that our spirit man grows stronger. I find it to be true in my own life that the more secular stuff I do, listen to, or partake in, the harder it is for me to carry our the spiritual things. But I’m learning daily that the more I do to feed my spirit the harder it will be for my flesh to fulfill its lust. So the more word I have in me, the more prayer, the more mediation on the word I have in me the harder it will be for me to acquiesce to the wishes of the flesh. I would then find myself not putting myself in bad situations to make compromising decisions, or better yet looking at stuff that does damage to my spiritual makeup.
In addition to that we must make a daily decision regarding who we will feed. Will we feed our flesh or our spirit, which ultimately determines our actions?
A few things I found to work in aiding me through “life”:
We must read and meditate on the word when we’re not being tempted in order to build our spiritual immune system.
God bless,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Quick Update
I know it's been a while since the last time i posted something on here. Trust, I haven't forgotten about you I've just been going through some things (as always) and kind of building my arsenal of blogs to be written. So stay on the look out for these new ones:
- My Suit Don't Fit No Mo
- Living For Me...
- Struggling To Stay Pure
- It's Lonely At the Top
- The Difference between the Moses and Caleb Generation
and many more...
So stay tuned. Should you not see one of these blogs that have been listed-that you find an interest in-please feel free to comment and express that you would like to see it and we will get it out to you as soon as possible.
In addition, I will have others join me this season with writing some of the blogs to give you a different perspective on some of the topics.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
To soar or not to soar - That is the question
So about what happen to me. Since I had been dealing with these things, I’ve been praying that God would help me either deal with them or overcome them through his strength. Well a new friend of mine and I were talking and she made the hottest analogy about issues in relation to our success. Check this out. She said, “Your body/life is a hot air balloon and in every air balloon basket are bags of sand to give a sense of weight to the balloon. Well depending on how many bags of sand you have determines how hard your torch has to work to get the big balloon in the air. That’s physics. So think of your life as the balloon and the bags of sand as issues, unresolved internal problems, let downs, etc. and the more you have the harder you have to work to get to the top or in the air. And it would only make sense if you would just let go of some those issues, problems, and disappointments and you would began to see your life take flight at a more accelerated rate. See with the bags being in the basket you can only get so high in the sky and some people are cool with that, being at a place of comfort or familiarity, but if you rid yourself of all the baggage you then put yourself in a position to take advantage of the opportunity to soar at new altitudes, see new horizons, and view the world at a different perspective. But you can’t when you constantly hold on to that which keeps you at smog or eye level. You have to let them go.”
When I heard this I was upset, hurt, happy, and relieved all at the same time. Now you’re probably wondering how I was experiencing all those emotions at the same time. Well I upset and hurt because of the way I had been living or my approach to the whole scheme of things, and I was happy and relieved because God was showing me my way out. The bible records in 1 Peter 5:7 that we should, “cast all your anxieties upon Him [God] for He cares for you.” But if you’ll be honest it’s hard. So I then went to my room ate a cookie and got on my face before God crying for Him to work on me in the secret places. Those places I’ve hidden from all to see because I was scared of getting hurt or hurting someone; those places where only He could reach in and prune/purge all the bad and dead stuff away with out leaving a scar. I needed God to do a work like King David cried out for in Psalms 51:10 when he said, “create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” And that spoke to me because I was operating out of a broken, hurt, unpleasant heart and spirit and I really needed God to take my bags of sand so that I could really experience all that He had for me. But first I needed him to replace my old heart and spirit with ones that would make him happy and allow me to get the job done. So now I’m on the operating table. To soar or not to soar – that is the question!
What do you think?
Friday, February 1, 2008
I Can't Afford It
Hey, I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted anything lately. I’ve been going through some things lately that I thought were hindering me spiritually but they were rather helping me to prepare the message for this new blog. Let’s get straight to it.
So the last time you heard from me I was talking about “just walk” and how not to pay to much attention to what’s going on around you. Well this week I want to address the issue of separation. From that time until here recently I was doing pretty well. But I must admit I was slowly getting to a point of complacency in my spiritual walk with God. I began to say to myself, “I don’t have to hear from God everyday because I’ve heard enough, or why do I need to read as much as I did because I’ve gotten the revelations that I needed.” Yes, I was saying things like that, and if you’ll be honest with yourself and God you would admit that you too, may not have said the same things, have said things similar. So slowly I began to not read as much, or even pray/reverence God throughout the day as much as I did and you wouldn’t believe the toll it took on my life. Not just spiritually but physically as well. I began to get in a mode where I didn’t want to be bothered with people, go to meetings, be the vice president of Student Government, or even be an Alpha. Yeah, it was serious! I thought I was dealing with depression or something. So I called my mom for some advice sense she’s a mental health councilor, and she said it was only stress. Well she prayed for me, then I prayed for myself and you will be awed at the word I received even in this, I thought, desolate place.
As I was getting ready for class the other morning I did my devotion, as I do every morning, but this time I was in the depressed/funk mode. And something said after I was finished, “The enemy is slowly trying to pull you away from the word where you’ll have no protection or remedy to solve your problems.” I was like what? It continued by saying, “To everything there is a season [Ecclesiastes chapter 3] and the season you are in is only to see if you will hold on to MY word.” I then was like keep talking and it [the holy spirit] said, “I haven’t been around because you haven’t invited me to talk, you’ve allowed the enemy to persuade you to lean on your own understanding and believe that you have everything you need from me and that I am no longer needed in your life; when in actuality I’m the one who made sure while you had no money to buy food there were people who volunteered to pay and didn’t even know your situation, or how you were able to pay a major debt and again had no money but it got paid. Didn’t I come through? I didn’t let you down then! Can you see this is how every time in the past the enemy has gotten you to fall and after you fell you would wonder why you always ended up in the same situation fighting the same devils. He [the enemy] is trying to persuade you that you can live on your own spiritually and you just can’t afford it.”
I immediately began to thank God for this awesome revelation. I personally believe that there are many of us who wonder how we end up in the same situations we are “supposed” to be delivered from. It’s not that we aren’t delivered, it just we’ve allowed the enemy to slowly pull us back to the same place of bondage that God set us free from. So as I began to think about it, I saw how far I had drifted away from God all because I allowed my focus to be shifted and the persuasion of a liar to lead me to a place God never intended for me to be. I was “called” to be in His will, protection, grace, mercy, loving arms, salvation, peace, and righteousness. Not in the land of desolation, separation, strife, sin, etc. Then the Holy Spirit dropped this in my [pneuma] spirit, “I just want to help.” Afterwards he [the Holy Spirit] took me to a scripture and I would be remiss if I didn’t share it. It is Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10. It reads, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” I don’t know about you but I can’t afford to be separated from God, the rent is TOO HIGH.
P.S. as I was finishing this blog I was thinking about how bad of a friend I have been to God lately and He said, “I forgive you because I love you SOOOO much.” God loves you. No matter what you do. It doesn’t give us the right to go and do what ever but we take a pass on the temptation only because we “reverence” God in our lives. Go show the world how to “reverence” God with your life. Be Blessed and stay tuned.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Just walk – Intimacy on another level: part 2
My first day of class which was the 14th I was doing my devotion, as I do every morning, and in my prayer I began to state the same things I mentioned earlier, about him keeping me. I mean I was PRAYING! I was really passionate in it because I was so scared that I would let God down, and I didn’t want him to stop speaking to me as He did while at home. Do you ever feel like that? Like God is going to take something away from you for any reason? Well, as I ended my prayer I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Just walk.” MAN! When I heard this I almost starting running (you know kind of like how the COGIC church does?). It was so potent to me because what I translated that to mean was, “don’t worry about slipping or disappointing me. Because if you’re focusing all your time, and energy on the problem then how much time and energy is being spent on other things i.e. the will of my kingdom, the solution, the word, etc.?” and I said, “are you SERIOUS God? You mean I’m worrying for nothing?” and the Holy Spirit said, “yes.”
So in essence, the lesson I learned was to be focused on things that really count. Because If I spend most of my time thinking about a problem I have, I’m basically giving myself over to it and ultimately saying God I don’t believe you can handle it. So God is saying to all of us “Just walk.” Paul the Apostle confirms then when he said in the book of Romans, “for if we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” But what gets us is when we allow whatever to warrant our attention when it doesn’t deserve it. So again “just walk” live your life as you are and as you meditate on God’s word he will then impart things that “sustain” you without you getting worried if he will or not.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Understanding why I do what I do - and how I can do better
I said, “In this gentleman’s defense I understand why he feels we cannot live apart from sin. From his stand point he believes that even though we have Christ in our lives we will still fall short to sin because that’s just who we are. Now let me clarify some things. In Psalms chapter 51 verse 5 David writes, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me (NKJV).”So from a child until now I’ve been doing things that have been deemed as “sin” but I didn’t know they were because at the time I was not aware that they were wrong. Would you agree that if while you were driving, didn’t see a speed limit, and a cop pulled you over he technically could not hold you accountable to breaking a law because there were no limits to govern how fast you could go? The same way it is with life. If I don’t have any laws to govern how I live, technically I’m not wrong. Well, when we accept Christ into our life we are then citizens of the Kingdom Of God and there are things/laws/commandments/mandates that govern how we are to live, as Christians, while on this earth. Now the fight comes in when all these years I have trained my soul (i.e. my mind, intellect, will, and emotions)/body to adhere to another standard of living that is contrary to the Kingdom Of God’s. So daily we find ourselves at war with our bodies trying to put it in check because the Bible says I can no longer do those things like: be promiscuous, hate, lie, steal, cheat, and covet; because those ways are not how people/citizens are to carry themselves in the Kingdom Of God. And if we’ll be honest with ourselves we would admit that it’s hard!
But I have a solution to our problem. The Apostle Paul writes in the book of Romans in chapters 5 through 8 on how if we do not walk in the flesh (secular mindset) but in the spirit (God’s way of doing things) we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. For the wages of sin is death (separation from God). Everyday, Evening, and Night we have to make a conscious decision to do what’s right no matter what we have taught ourselves. If it doesn’t align itself with the Word Of God (Bible) then I can’t follow it; because I’m a citizen of that wonderful Kingdom now and to show my appreciation to God (because I can’t reach heaven through works only faith) I do as He has asked me to do. And in that obedience there is so much. God then showers favor, goodness, and blessings like no other all because we’ve decided to do it His way and not ours. And one day you’ll look up and that habit you used to have a problem with, will no longer be a problem because you have now trained your body to live according to the word of God, keep in step with His will for your life and that’s all you’ll know to do. Again, walk by the word of God and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.”
Stay tuned…
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
We Too Can Talk To God – Intimacy on another level: Part 1
Today I was making some coffee and as I was boiling the water I put salt in it to lower the boiling point so that it [the water] would boil faster. Yep I was using some chemistry! Any way, I put quite a bit of salt in my water because I was in such a rush to drink my coffee. I could just see myself drinking a good cup of Joe while reading my bible [devotion] and talking to God. As I prepared my coffee I made a concoction with honey, cinnamon, sugar, coffee, and milk. Then I poured my now hot-water, took a sip, and got this awful salty taste. I thought it was from the amount of cinnamon I had used. I poured out that cup and poured me another cup with fewer ingredients, and to my chagrin I got the same taste. Then it hit me! Ah ha! It was all that salt I had put in the water because I wanted to rush the boiling process. Immediately, my [pneuma] spirit spoke and said, “See that’s what happens when you rush.” You would say it was just common sense, I say it was the spirit because of the word that followed. My [pneuma] spirit went on to say, “In life when you rush things like relationships, because of the eager longing of a sweet/savoring feeling of love or any gooshy feeling for that matter, you end up with the product all bitter; only because you would not be patient enough to wait for the product to get fully developed.”
The bible bears witness to this in the book of James stating, “Let patience have her perfect work so that you may be complete, and lacking nothing.” Can you recount how many times you weren’t patient enough and then saw because of your impatience you lost the thing/person you rushed? I believe truly in my [pneuma] spirit that God in these tribal days that we are to start being more patient with Him, His word, and His doings. So many times we expect God to pop-up when it’s convenient for us but I found He doesn’t operate like that. So today lets make a vow to be more patient and see the Lord bring His promises through, whether they be in relation to a mate, job, schooling etc. Its funny because many times we miss the turn God wanted us to turn on and then when we end up lost, or disappointed we think God did us wrong or gave bad directions, but it was only because we wouldn’t be still long enough to listen or wait for the coffee water to boil. Well I’m now starting over with a new/cleaned pot of water (which in some ways can translate to forgiveness, but we’ll talk about that later). This time I plan to wait. What do you think?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Going Deeper Into The Word Of God: For if we uncover we then unlock
Let’s take a look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 when Moses the author writes, “Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” Now I could stop right here and tell you who God was talking to since it was only suppose to be Him in the beginning, but I’m not. I plan to save that for a later date. I want you to grasp something else. After doing a little homework, to show my self approved, I found the Greek/Hebrew translations of some words that will allow us to see the scriptures in a whole new light. Are you ready? Well, “image” in the Hebrew means SELEM which means image. That’s funny huh? You thought it was going to be something deep. The next word, “likeness” in the Hebrew is demut, which means “manner, or similitude.”
One thing I would like for us to establish is that God is spirit or “pneuma.” I will later go into greater dept of what that’s all about, but for now let’s rest on the fact that God is a spirit being. Now the bible records that God was sitting around looking at earth and said “Let us make man…” We understand that God is a spirit being and He wants to make man in, which will be made of dust/flesh, the likeness of Himself. The revelation I received after reading this was, spiritually God wanted man to resemble Him in the purest form. So then it [the bible] says God breathe into his [man] nostrils the breathe-of-life. That word breathe in the Hebrew is SAMA, which means “life.” So God literally blew His life into man. God blew His likeness into man. God basically blew his make-up into man/us.
Wait! We too can claim a share of God’s breathe-stock by reference of Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5. It states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. (NIV)” That word “Knew” in the Hebrew means “to be acquainted with or intimacy.” So before God formed us in our mother’s womb He was intimate with us. At this point I started asking questions, like how? How did God know us intimately before He formed us? I know He’s God but I need understanding. I hope now you’re beginning to understand that we are ultimately pneuma or spirit beings housed in fleshly temples. Secondly, when we revert back to the beginning when God breathe into Adam we remember He basically blew Himself into him. Well, I strongly believe for ourselves when God says He knew us. He is saying, “You came from ME.” Just like it was in the beginning of man, by breathing, God does the same thing to us. That’s why we are eternal beings. Amen! God says, “You don’t remember ME but I knew you when…”
Can you grasp that? We are pieces of our creator.
To Be Continued…