Hey apologies will not suffice for the way I’ve treated you (the faithful members of this blog) but again I’m sorry. In the interest of time I will jump right in.
The other morning I was doing my daily devotion and this revelation hit me. To some it may seem elementary; however, I truly believe if you allow the Holy Spirit to read this with you, you will see something you haven’t before.
Revelation: we must continue in the word so that our spirit man grows stronger. I find it to be true in my own life that the more secular stuff I do, listen to, or partake in, the harder it is for me to carry our the spiritual things. But I’m learning daily that the more I do to feed my spirit the harder it will be for my flesh to fulfill its lust. So the more word I have in me, the more prayer, the more mediation on the word I have in me the harder it will be for me to acquiesce to the wishes of the flesh. I would then find myself not putting myself in bad situations to make compromising decisions, or better yet looking at stuff that does damage to my spiritual makeup.
In addition to that we must make a daily decision regarding who we will feed. Will we feed our flesh or our spirit, which ultimately determines our actions?
A few things I found to work in aiding me through “life”:
We must read and meditate on the word when we’re not being tempted in order to build our spiritual immune system.
God bless,
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