Hey Faithful Family,
I know it's been a very long time since i last posted something on here. It's my prayer now to get better...but I have a MAC now so i can do the videos when i don't feel like writing. And many times that's the case. I just don't feel like writing. Bless God for the Mac and webcam..lol
Well a quick update: I'm going to Burundi Africa on a mission trip with my church Community of Faith (www.communityoffaith.tv). Our mission is to strengthen the already established relationship the church has with the Batwa people. I truly believe God is going to move in a mighty way during this trip.
In addition, i have an unction to confirm this belief. Every time i think about Africa, every time some mentions something about my trip i get this "rumble" in my belly as if there is something on the inside of me like a spring, or well, or something. You know how you feel when you get excited, or nervous, or your adrenaline is pumping? Well that's what i feel-all 3.lol
As i close, i ask all who reads this post to please be in prayer for me, the team, and the people we're going to help. We leave sunday June 14 2009 and return on Friday June 26, 2009. Mama if you're reading this-know that i love you. Daddy if you get a chance to read this-Know that i'm glad to say that you're my daddy! I love you Pop! And to everyone else who's connected to me I love you always.
In Mark Jesus told the desciples to go into all the earth and "Preach the good news." I plan to do just that...