Hey guys to give you an inside into my life I've been on a spiritual campaign to live pure in deed, thought, and my heart. Unfortunately, I got comfortable-like a lot of us do when we think we're doing ok-and ended up falling. Yes, I fall. We all slip at times but what makes us different than the average sinning joe is that we have a godly conviction to want to do better, to get up and fight not to fall again in that area.
Now do I have a blog for you! It's funny how God speaks at the weirdest time. So after I fell today I was able to look back in retrospect and see what made me fall, what I didn't consider, what I could've done differently, and what I should not do next time. For that I'm thankful.
I was sitting in the living room of my apartment with some friends talking about why believers fall. And what is considered a "fall." I'll save that for a later date. Anyway, the conversation veered to talking about the enemy in general, and at that time I shared a revelation God shared with me while doing some house cleaning. I said, "many times we are ignorant of where a temptation comes from. My belief is that the enemy only makes suggestions (bear with me picturesquely) over our weak areas (e.g. Girls, porn, idolatry, bad time management, etc.) and the emotion that invades our brain (heart) is viewed as a desire that was derived from our own nature. Wrong! The enemy really made an advance to plant a seed."
Suffice it to say, I firmly believe that the enemy is not running around-like a chicken with it's head cut off-trying to make people fall but rather planting seeds and we are the ones watering it. How? By the music we listen to, the people we interact with, the places we go, and the things we dwell on. That same seed that we allow to take residence in our life then begans to grow up. Quick point: we as believers-spiritually-are very fertile so we have to watch what we allow to be planted. So that same seed that was planted a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago now has grown into a tree. If you know anything about trees you'd know that the higher the tree the deeper the roots-for stability. You then have-spiritually-what the bible calls a "stronghold" because what was planted has now taken root into your life. (So if you find yourself falling in an undersirable fashion its due to the stronghold in your life.) Some of you may say well I've cut my treat down. My question is, "is the root/stub still there?" If so that's your answer to why you're still falling.
You have to uproot what the enemy has planted. How? Only by the word. I know that sounds elementary but honestly it's going to take an effort of you daily getting before the word, daily making the decision not to entertain the enemy, daily "put on the lord Jesus Christ," daily watch where you go, daily watch who you allow into your personal space, etc. God-because he sees our effort-will then step in and fulfill his promises of keeping you, seeing you through, bringing you out, and making the spoils worth your fight. And with that I'm done. I hope this has been a blessing. It has for me.
God bless,
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There is the story told of the chicken and pig. The chicken and the pig went out one day and went into a grocery store, and in the window was a sign which said: BACON AND EGGS DESEPARATELY NEEDED. Chicken looked at the pig and the pig looked at the chicken, and the chicken said to the pig "Come on lets help the grocer out." The Pig looked back at the chicken and said "Are you crazy; are you outcho man." The chicken said "what;" the pig said "Easy, for you it a contribution, but for me it's the whole thing." Too often there are christians that have said with their mouthS "we will serve you oh Lord with all our heart," however we still continue give God a contribution (Here an egg there an egg everywhere an egg egg) instead of giving Him all we've got: our time, our talent, our treasure, our lives! So I challenge all as the Lord has challenged me with these questions: IS GOD WITH A DIME IN YOUR LIFE? AND ARE YOU GIVING HIM SOME EGGS OR BACON?
Sorry for the long delay big Jonie man!!!
Your brother in Christ
Chris Hall
I'm sorry everyone thw challege was to be: IS GOD WORTH A DIME IN YOUR LIFE?
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