Today I left from class and headed straight to church seeing that it was already 6 pm and it'd take me roughly 30min to get to the North campus - couldn't miss 7pm communion. While in route I decided to stop by McDonalds to grab a sprite (because of the 1 dollar deal) and a large fry - unsalted - that means you get'em hot. Trick of the trade. Lol and before I put my car in drive to exit the drive-thru lane I playfully squeezed a packet of ketchup on to my gorgeously-fresh-hot-fries.
Now picture me leaving the parking lot stuffing my mouth with these delicious fries with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand in my satchel of prized and much coveted goodies. Well as fate would have it I picked a cluster of ketchup fries and proceeded to shove them in my mouth but to my dismay one of them had the audacity to fall on my nicely ironed sky blue v-neck sweater vest that matched my button down shirt underneath. Wow you say? Wow is how I felt. I couldn't believe I just dropped a good fry on my shirt. By this time I was approaching the parking lot of the church. I finally made my way to the spot I had claimed long before coming and proceeded to park.
The next thing I did was look at the new addition of color on my vest and the first thing in my mind was "I can't go in here looking like this." This was a fashion faux pa. Immediately a thought came to mind "maybe I can put soda on it to release the stain." Well I tried and to no avail. The more I meddled with it the worse-off it got. Afterward, I concluded again that I couldn’t and wasn't going into church with the stain. Then suddenly another thought came, I had a scarf in the back and “if strategically placed maybe I could cover it up with that.” "Nah that wouldn’t work" I thought to myself.
Ironically, something (which I believe is the spirit) said to me "do you do me like this?" Whoa! Who said that! I thought for a second and contemplated the question and since I tend to be a rather spiritual person I asked it to expound. And the spirit spoke saying "the blood of Jesus covers you. When I look at you I see my son - do you? Are you ashamed to allow others see the red stain on you?" Wow is all I could say...In an effort not to dampen the impact of this statement I’ll end here and allow you to “examine” yourself.
“O what can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus”
That's really deep Lil Bro! and yet so true. this is Nay
That's deep Lil Bro but yet soo true!
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