Hey Family,
I apologize for not staying committed to writing the blogs. It's not a hassle (as the enemy may try to make me believe) but it is something i have to work on. It's a privilege to share what God is doing in my life. I guess that's the way i should start looking at it from now on...huh.
Well quick update: I've been dealing with some things these last few weeks. As you know I was fortunate to take a trip to Burundi Africa with my church Community of Faith (wwww.communityoffaith.tv) and Befriend the Batwa people. OMG! what an awesome experience. I encourage anyone who can, to take a trek to the MotherLand.
God really moved. During prayer time someone mentioned in their prayer, "God we're not expecting what you will do, but that you will do something..." And going over there I was expecting God to do something specific rather than just expecting him to move in the lives of his people. And He didn't move as Johnie had plan or expected, however, he did move and I'm still struggling with the affect of it right now.
What was it? He showed me what a real relationship looked like, and i didn't comprehend it. The scriptures says in John how when Jesus came, he came with the light of men. That light shined into the darkness and it [darkness] understood it not. That was literally me when i went to Burundi. God shined His divine light-of what a true relationship looks like-and i couldn't understand. Truth be told, i was too blinded by what society has lead us to believe what a relationship is suppose to look like-and that is what i can get out of the deal?
Take a second to examine yourself...Okay let's finish the story.
Suffice to say, i was floored when i met those wonderful people. I saw what it meant to have a "true" relationship with self, with your neighbor, and with God. I learned that it wasn't all about what i can get but rather what can i give. What can i do. How can i make them [the other person] better. And when i look at the bible and all of the many examples of God's grace i see clearly how He is the master at massaging a relationship. And how i was a "master" at only accepting it not trying to reciprocate.
Now I'm not trying to condemn myself to dust, but i am holding the mirror pretty close to my life-so to say-so i can see what impurities need to be washed away. For too long i've acted liked i didn't have spiritual pimples but i faced reality in Africa-and I do. Therefore, I need "GodActive." And don't get me wrong, I'm still dealing with the act of accepting this truth and applying it to my everyday life. Currently, I'm faced with a situation that i will have to rely solely on God to strategically order my steps as tread this, so that i don't hinder him from getting the Glory out of this situation.
My prayer now is: God grant me the grace, the ability, the strength to walk in your likeness when it comes to loving my neighbor as myself, loving myself in respect to the Holy Spirit's temple, and loving You like the kind, giving, compassionate Father you are.
Isaiah 41:10 Hold my hand Father as i walk.
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